In a groundbreaking move towards promoting menstrual health and empowering teenage girls, Kiromo Teenz initiative has proudly announced a strategic partnership with 7 Days Pads. This collaboration marks a significant step in addressing the essential aspect of teenage girls’ lifestyles – menstrual health.
The partnership was unveiled at Royal College Namugongo, setting the stage for a series of impactful engagements as they journey through various schools across the Kiromo Teenz School Tours. The primary objective is to champion the cause of menstrual health by providing affordable and reliable menstrual health solutions, ensuring that every girl receives the best care possible.
Menstrual health is a critical facet of a teenage girl’s life, and acknowledging its importance is integral to holistic empowerment. By teaming up with 7 Days Pads, Kiromo Teenz aims to bring menstrual growth to the forefront of discussions, breaking barriers, and fostering a supportive environment for girls to embrace this natural aspect of their lives.
The collaboration doesn’t just stop at distributing menstrual products; it is a commitment to education, awareness, and accessibility. The school tours will now also feature informative sessions on menstrual hygiene, emphasizing the significance of proper care and the use of reliable products.
We talked to MC Ollo, the team leader and he said “We are excited about the positive impact this partnership can make in the lives of young girls. It goes beyond the physical aspect of providing pads; it’s about instilling confidence, breaking taboos, and fostering a sense of pride in one’s own body. As we embark on this journey, we invite everyone to join us in supporting this cause. Together, we can contribute to creating an environment where every girl feels empowered, cared for, and confident in managing her menstrual health. Because, indeed, every girl deserves the best care”
Stay tuned for updates as we continue our Kiromo Teenz School Tours, making a difference one school at a time.
Kiromo Teenz is powered by NTV Uganda, Sumz snacks, Rama Lusaniya, and now 7 Days Pads