Renowned Ugandan comedian, Maulana Kasozi alias Maulana, half of Maulana & Reign Duo, has been dragged to police over charges...
Last Saturday, Eiffel Models brought to life a spectacular event, the inaugural edition of "Inter Schools Miss Uganda." The air...
By AFP Pop powerhouse Taylor Swift on Sunday made Grammy history by winning her fourth Album of the Year award...
Rwandan singer, The Ben will be performing live in Kampala at UMA showgrounds Lugogo on Valentine's Day 14th February 2024....
Singer-turned-politician, Bobi Wine’s elder brother, Nyanzi Fred Ssentamu alias Chairman Nyanzi has finally graduated after years of studying at Makerere...
The skies over Luzira, a suburb in Kampala, Uganda came alive with a burst of colours displaying diverse kite designs...
Songstress Tracy Kirabo alias Pia Pounds is also not letting 2024 go like that, and she is adding herself to...
Miss You Mama written by a Girl from Oyam is a song inspired by the loss of my grandmother. It...
The latest Corruption Perception Index has ranked Uganda as the fourth most corrupt country in the East African region. The...
Ugandan rapper, Gereson Wabuyi alias Gravity Omutujju has reignited his beef with fellow Musician and Politician Bobi Wine. While appearing...