Renowned musician Elijah Kitaka is set to make waves in the music industry once again, as he announced the release...
Kiromo Teenz embark on a transformative journey of NTV Hi Skool Kiromo, which will kick off at Alliance High School...
The luminary himself, Zlatan Ibile, has unleashed his inaugural sonic masterpiece of the year, "Bust Down", which is poised to...
Jose Chameleone, a renowned Ugandan musician, has been in discussions regarding a potential music battle with fellow artist Bebe Cool...
Jameson & Friends is making a comeback with another groundbreaking edition on the 24th of February at the design hub...
In his latest single "Toxic Love," UK-based Ugandan artist $hyli takes listeners on an emotional journey through the complexities of...
Celebrated Ugandan actor, John Ssegawa, did not mince words as he took aim at media personality Douglas Lwanga for what...
The eagerly awaited UB40 concert, headlined by the iconic Ali Campbell and set to take place on March 2, 2024,...
Ugandan recording artist and multi-instrumentalist, Aliddeki Brian, took center stage at the prestigious Sauti za Busara Festival in Zanzibar, Tanzania,...
The Ghetto gladiator Bobi Wine, originally known as Robert Kyagulanyi stressed the importance of patience between lovers as it strengthens...