Police in Busoga North have launched a manhunt for Sylvia Nabirye, a 28-year-old resident of Buzimba village in Nawampiti sub-county, Luuka district, following allegations of murdering her 35-year-old husband, Amos Kivulumwike.
The tragic incident unfolded amidst ongoing conflicts between the couple, primarily revolving around accusations of infidelity. Nabirye had reportedly accused Kivulumwike of maintaining multiple relationships with schoolgirls, escalating tensions within their household.
According to reports from authorities, the situation reached a boiling point last night when Kivulumwike returned home late, refusing to provide an account of his whereabouts to Nabirye. This refusal reignited her anger, sparking a physical altercation between the couple.
Eyewitnesses claim that during the altercation, Nabirye allegedly slapped Kivulumwike, causing him to fall onto their bed. Subsequently, she reportedly applied force to his private parts with her hands, leading to his collapse and eventual demise.
The deceased has since been transported to the mortuary at Kiyunga Health Center IV for a postmortem examination, as police intensify efforts to locate Nabirye, the prime suspect in the case.
Hakim Muziru, a resident familiar with the couple, disclosed that despite appearing happy initially, their relationship soured during the December festivities of 2023. Despite intervention attempts by friends to reconcile them, the disputes persisted, leading to this tragic outcome.
Michael Kasadha, the spokesperson for Busoga North police, confirmed the incident, emphasizing ongoing efforts to find the suspect. He mentioned the involvement of vigilantes from neighboring villages in the search.
Kasadha also underscored the importance of peaceful conflict resolution within marital relationships, urging couples to seek non-violent methods to address disputes and prevent such tragic outcomes in the future.
As the search for Sylvia Nabirye continues, the community remains gripped by shock and disbelief at the devastating turn of events within this once seemingly happy household.